The practice of storing cocktails is plausibly as old as the cocktail's peak of popularity itself. Bartending 'grandfather' Jerry Thomas makes mention of storing pre-made drinks in bottles on the bar (the Brandy, Gin, and Bourbon Cocktails to be specific) for efficiency reasons in his 1862 guide, "How To Mix Drinks, or The Bon Vivant's Companion." There was also the issue of enjoying a cocktail while on the road, and making and bottling cocktails at home allowed this luxury. The effects of bottle-aging are considerably less noticeable than those of barrel-aging, however, so how far back were cocktails being aged in wood? Thanks to G.F. Heublein & Bro. in New York the answer is definitively at least to 1910, as we can see from a "Club Cocktails" advertisement printed that year, reading "Club Cocktails are mixed to measure - by experts - of selected liquors. Then they are aged in wood." Another advertisement from 1912 reads "[Club Cocktails] obtain their delicious flavour and delicate aroma by aging in wood before bottling. A new cocktail can never have the flavour of an aged cocktail." Heublein continued advertising bottled cocktails until the 1960's, though they stopped barrel-aging - or at least stopped mentioning it - as the true selling point of Club Cocktails was likely that a mixed drink could be enjoyed from the comfort of one's own home. The bottled (and canned) mixed drink torch was carried on in the form of cheap Martinis and Manhattans, and of course in the 1990's by their bastard children: the artificially-flavoured vodka sours and sickly sweet liqueur mixtures.

happens to a cocktail inside a barrel? In the previous post on
barrel-aging spirits the interaction between wood and alcohol were
explained chemically. These reactions are not dramatically different but
occur at a considerably different rate due to a decrease in proof and
an increase in acidity. Cocktails are a combination of wines, liqueurs,
syrups, bitters, and spirits, all of which have very different chemical
properties that react differently with the barrel leading to unique
overall results from drink to drink. The key chemical reaction is the
extraction of hemicellulose from the wood, which increases the amount of
reducing sugars in the solution and thereby increases good flavours,
rounds edges, and reduces the acidity. The more acidic the alcoholic
solution and the lower the proof, the faster the extraction. Spirits are
considerably less acidic and have a higher ABV (alcohol-by-volume) than
wine which is why they require much longer aging periods. Cocktails can
have ABV's of 20-50 percent depending on the composition and the aging
period will have to be adjusted accordingly lest too much acidity be
lost and the taste will become "flat" or "flabby," as some poor-quality
wines are often described.

cocktail-aging is not new it is definitely an exciting experiment from a
taste perspective - but what about its consequences on bartending?
Since the Jerry Thomas-era the bartender has been viewed as a magician
of sorts, creating new and delightful flavours and experiences to suit
any mood using only seemingly medial tools and a collection of liquors.
Both new and experienced cocktail drinkers flock to the top bars for
impromptu creations or well-executed classics. Does it not remove the
excitement and anticipation to have one's mixed drink poured from a
barrel or removed from a fridge pre-bottled? Worse yet, does this
process not negate the importance of skill behind the wood? There is a
great satisfaction in seeing a Sazerac, Old-Fashioned, or Mint Julep
built in the traditional manner with great attention to detail by an
experienced professional, and the drink only tastes better having
watched and waited for completion. Perhaps most importantly, however,
the bartender's role is one of service. He or she should be engaging,
polite, attentive, and always a host to his or her guests. At the end of
the day, every bartender's first priority should always be this service
as guests come to enjoy an experience and not simply the practical
quality of the drinks. The aging and bottling of cocktails can easily
perpetuate the tendency for some bartenders to focus too much on craft
and not enough on service, and in the worst of cases it can endorse
laziness. However, if aging a cocktail enhances its flavour and is used
by good bartenders as part of a well-executed cocktail program without
encumbering the true values of their role then it is perhaps an
excellent idea.
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